Today is the last day for Quantic Gaming. I know this is shocking news to most of you, and so it was to me. I got a lot of questions concerning this and I'll try to answer them.
First, Quantic is dealing with this in a professional manner and will make sure to take care of trips home for the players living in the team house etc. They will not leave any loose ends.
The reason is, as most of you can guess, money. A lot of the money going into Quantic came from investors and it can be difficult to make it work in the long run.
As for me, I don't know exactly what will happen. I'll continue playing and do my best to get as good as possible. I was really happy to be on Quantic for many reasons, but being without a team will be okay too. Only time will if I'll join another team or not.

Thanks for all support.
Lots of love,