onsdag 1 augusti 2012

Can I beat Idra and iNcontroL?

So, as you might know there will be a chin-up competition next time these guys are in Sweden^^ I've been a bit lazy lately but if I get back into shape, maybe I can win.


This video is from last year. Also, it is practice chin-ups so the execution is not the best.

I'm on my way back (after a 6 month break from my usual workout schedule), so watch out EG :P

5 kommentarer:

  1. Damn du kör typ 3x så många som mig. Back to the gym för mig omedelbums!

    Snyggt jobbat btw!

  2. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  3. O.o Wtf! ? U can beat all of them!

  4. Thats friggin spectacular! Cheez, amazing! You rock!

  5. I guess your brain outperforms in the same manner, just less tangible for my mind to comprehend, thank the gods for that small mercy!
